What I Wish I Knew About Running a Fashion Business When I Started

What I Wish I Knew About Running a Fashion Business When I Started

Winnie Puah on Jun 21st 2024

When I embarked on the journey of founding Ashbury CoCo, there were several insights and lessons I wish I had known from the beginning. These learnings could have made the path smoother and even more rewarding.

  1. Listening to customer feedback is also something I treasure. Establishing ways to hear and act on your thoughts from the start would have made us even more responsive and adaptive.
  2. Financial wisdom is another key area. Understanding the nuances of cash flow and smart pricing would have given us a stronger foundation to grow upon.
  3. Planning for scalability and building a dedicated, passionate team are lessons close to my heart. Knowing how to set up for growth and surrounding myself with people who share our vision would have amplified our success and joy.

These insights have shaped Ashbury CoCo into the loving, vibrant community it is today. I’m grateful for every lesson learned and for the opportunity to continue creating cherished memories with you all.

Reflecting on these points, I am grateful for the lessons learned along the way. They have shaped Ashbury CoCo into the brand it is today, and I continue to apply these insights to foster growth and innovation.

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With elegance and gratitude,

Winnie Puah