Why We're Moving On: AshburyCoCo's Next Chapter Beyond Etsy

Why We're Moving On: AshburyCoCo's Next Chapter Beyond Etsy

Jun 1st 2024

For the past 8 years, Ashbury CoCo has had the pleasure of being part of the vibrant Etsy community. We started our journey from the garage, crafting handmade children’s clothing and accessories with love and care. Etsy provided us with a wonderful platform to grow and reach customers who appreciated the uniqueness of handmade products. However, as we have evolved, so too have our goals and vision. Today, we’re excited to announce that Ashbury CoCo is moving to our very own website: AshburyCo.Co. Here’s why.

Growing Beyond Handmade

When we first started, our focus was on creating individual, handmade pieces as a passionate hobby. Over the years, demand for our products has grown significantly, and we’ve transitioned from a small-scale operation to a more structured business. This growth has allowed us to expand our offerings and improve the quality and consistency of our products. We’ve evolved from hobbyists to professional designers and entrepreneurs, and it’s time for our business model to reflect that change.

Greater Control and Flexibility

Having our own website provides us with greater control over every aspect of our business. From the design and user experience of the site to the types of products we offer and how we market them, we can ensure that everything aligns perfectly with our brand vision. Etsy has been a fantastic platform, but having our own site means we can offer a more personalized shopping experience and build a closer relationship with our customers.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Our new website, AshburyCo.Co, is designed with you in mind. We’ve streamlined the shopping experience to make it easier and more enjoyable. You’ll find better navigation, detailed product descriptions, and more efficient customer service. Additionally, we’re excited to offer exclusive collections and limited-edition items that you won’t find anywhere else. We believe these improvements will make your shopping experience with us even more delightful.

Building Our Community

One of the most exciting aspects of this move is the opportunity to build and nurture our own community. We want Ashbury CoCo to be more than just a store; we envision it as a place where parents and caregivers can find inspiration, share experiences, and connect over a shared love for beautifully designed children’s clothing and accessories. We’re planning to launch a blog, a newsletter, and social media initiatives to keep you engaged and informed about the latest trends, tips, and stories.

Looking Forward

As we embark on this new chapter, we want to express our deepest gratitude to all our customers who have supported us on Etsy over the years. Your support and feedback have been invaluable, and we’re excited to continue serving you through AshburyCo.Co. We believe this move will allow us to better meet your needs and expectations as we continue to grow and innovate.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. We look forward to welcoming you to AshburyCo.Co and continuing to provide you with high-quality, stylish, and functional children’s clothing and accessories.

Warm regards,

Ashbury CoCo